[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

Strategy Course – B2B Marketing Masterclass: Search, Social & CRM

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Updated May 2024


2024 B2B Marketing Trends, Challenges & Opportunities

  • B2B Digital strategy overview
    B2B vs B2C
    Business objectives and focus
    MQLs and SQLs
  • Brand building
    Why does it matter
    Full funnel campaign developing
    Proving the business case
    Inbound marketing
  • B2B beyond sales
    Product Led Growth

Developing a B2B Marketing Strategy

  • B2B Digital strategy framework
    – Strategy vs tactics
    – Key components
    – Big picture thinking
    – Full funnel campaign developing
    – Investing in creativity
  • B2B beyond sales
    – Product Led Growth
    – Ecommerce
  • Inbound marketing in B2B
    – Channel integration
    – Customer avatar development
    – Content planning

Analytics and Performance Measurement in B2B Marketing

  • Measuring your B2B strategy
    – What’s the point?
    – Tracking full-funnel success
    – Short-term and longer-term KPIs
  • Upper and lower funnel data
  • Establishing conversions
    – Macro conversions
    – Micro conversions
    – Attribution
    – Path visualisation
  • B2B Campaign tagging
    – Avoiding common pitfalls
    – Understanding UTMs

Content Marketing for Business Audiences

  • Content marketing for B2B
  • Understanding demand generation
    – Finding a distinctive way to add value
    – Tone of voice
    – Amplifying via owned, earned and paid media
    – Planning
    – Processes and systems
  • Social media content marketing
    – Pivot to video
  • Optimising content for Search
    – SEO vs SEM
  • Email amplification

SEO Copywriting Essentials

  • Optimising user journeys to drive more conversions
    – Reducing friction
    – Collating quantitative and qualitative CRO insights
  • SEO copy optimisation
    – Page titles
    – Header tags
    – Image tags
    – Meta descriptions
  • Optimising Search content marketing performance
    – Boosting engagement
    – Encouraging repeat visits
    Rich results

Social Media Marketing in B2B

  • B2B content in social media Rise of short-form video
    – Tik Tok-ification of content marketing
    – Generative Al impact
    – B2B video
    – Content creation tools
    – Generative Al
  • LinkedIn content creation & engagement
    – LinkedIn Feed & engagement
    – Video growth
    Maximising employee interaction
    – Groups
    – Showcase and Product pages

Email Marketing, CRM and Automation

  • Understanding what B2B audiences want 
  • B2B Email creative and copy best practices
    B2B email design considerations
    Engagement boosting
    Email copy and creative testing
  • Improving email deliverability
    Data hygiene and list management
    Engagement tagging
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
    Email sequences

Advertising & Thought Leadership in B2B Marketing

  • B2B ads strategy
    – Full funnel campaigns
    – B2B ads channel mix
    – LinkedIn’s ad business: From zero to hero
  • Social ad strategy, targeting and creative
    – Set up
    – Objectives
    – Targeting
    – Apple iOS 14 impact
    – Ad formats and creative
  • Maximising your people
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)