[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

Strategy Course – Digital Copywriting Masterclass: Social, Search & Web

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1295 +GST
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Updated May 2024


Introduction to Digital Copywriting

  • Digital copywriting optimisation
    – Earned, owned and paid media
    – Reporting and evaluation
    – Brand
    – Direct response
  • Appreciating nuances in copywriting
    – Audiences
    – Channels
    – Trends
    – Algorithms
  • Short form video
  • Generative AI
    – Trends and developments
    – Beyond ChatGPT

Crafting Compelling Social Media Content

  • Social profile optimisation
    – Boosting discoverability
    –Keyword research
  • Social media and SEO crossover
    – Rise of social search
    – Generative AI impact
  • Understanding how social media algorithms assess copy
    – Ranking factors
    – Watch time
    – Context and interaction
    – Bringing copy to life visually
    – Imagery and videos
  • Authenticity and UGC
  • Rise of short-form video
    – TikTok-ification of content marketing
    – Generative AI impact

SEO Copywriting Essentials

  • Understanding SEO
    – On-page
    – Off-page
    – Technical SEO
  • Unlocking search intent
    – What is it, and why does it matter?
    – How does intent differ between keywords?
  • SEO content and copywriting planning
    – Optimising content to match search intent
    – Keyword research
    – Mapping queries to the customer journey
    – Keyword types
    – Longtail queries
    – Using SEM for keyword testing
  • Organising and structuring site content

Email Marketing and Newsletters

  • Getting the right message to the right person
    – Segmentation
    – Personalisation
  • Email list hygiene
    – Managing contacts
    – Encouraging unsubscribes
    – Sender reputation
  • Database management
    – Tags
    – Segments
    – Custom fields
  • Email sequences
  • Deliverability
  • Boosting open and conversion rates

Writing for Websites and Blogs

  • Optimising user journeys to drive more conversions
    – Reducing friction
    – Collating quantitative and qualitative CRO insights
  • SEO copy optimisation
    – Page titles
    – Header tags
    – Image tags
    – Meta descriptions
  • Optimising Search content marketing performance
    – Boosting engagement
    – Encouraging repeat visits
    – Rich results

Copywriting for Advertising and PPC

  • Online ad copy
    Blending into social feeds
    – Authenticity
    – Unlocking influencers: Partnership ads, Spark Ads, LinkedIn thought leadership ads
  • Ad Strategy > tactics > copy
    – Tailoring copy through the funnel
    – Emotional and rational copy
  • Paid search best practices
  • Social Ads
    – Optimisation
    – Testing
    – Automation

Content Strategy Development

  • Content strategy
    – Key elements
    – Reporting and evaluation
    – Copywriting KPIs and metrics
  • Planning
    – Audience mapping
    – Idea generation
    – Workflow management
    – Production: Tools and Al
    – Testing
    – Content distribution

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Messaging

  • Al trends and developments
    – Job market impact
  • Weaknesses and limitations of Al
    – Innovation
    – Nuance
    – Emotion
  • Understanding prompts
    – Common mistakes
    – Best practices
  • Becoming an Al “Power User”
    – Ideas, drafting and proofing
    – Integrating copy with data
  • Messaging growth