[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

Strategy Course – Email Marketing Masterclass: Data, Design & CRM

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1295 +GST
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Updated June 2024


Introduction to Email Marketing

  • Email marketing’s evolution
    – Email opportunities
    – Challenges and issues
    – How social media replaced email
    – Direct response vs brand
    – Email performance benchmarks
  • Personalisation and automation
    – Al
  • Email innovations
    – AMP
    – Underexplored Gmail features
    – Privacy challenges
    – Apple updates

Building Your Email List

  • Building your email list
    – Testing your email validity
    – Maintaining our list
  • Building your database
  • Understanding lead magnets
    – Popular lead magnets
  • Lead quality
    – Lead scoring
    – MQLs vs SQLS
  • How to run lead campaigns
    – Landing pages
    – Livechat
    – In-feed
  • Campaign options

Crafting Effective Email Copy

  • Copywriting in email
  • What turns audiences off?
  • Relevancy
    – Engagement tagging
    – Frequency
    – Changing needs
  • Email copy deep dive and optimisation
    – From name
    – From address
    – Subject lines
    – Pre-header text
    – Body copy

Email Design Best Practices

  • Email template overview
    – Common features
  • Developing effective templates
    – Best practices
    – Useful tools
    – Optimisation
    – Testing
  • Mobile email and design best practices
    – Understanding mobile UX
    – Touch-friendly design
    – Maximising multimedia
    – Being “skimmable”
  • Email design element optimisation

Email Marketing Automation

  • Email automation considerations
  • Deliverability
  • Data hygiene and list management
    – Unsubscribes
    – Legalities
    – Privacy
  • CRM and email tagging
    – Sequence development
    – Rules and criteria
    – Design
    – Testing
  • iOS 15
    – Privacy

Analysing Email Marketing Performance

  • What is a good email?
  • Email open rate
    – Background
    – Use cases
    – Benchmarking performance
    – Limitations
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
    – How to boost CTRs
    – Why email interaction is paramount iOS 18 updates
    – Surviving Gmail tabs
  • Email conversion rates
    – Tracking macro and micro conversions
    – Syncing GA and ESP data
    – Attribution

Syncing SMS and Messaging With Email Marketing

  • SMS marketing
    – Performance vs cost
  • Integrating SMS with CRM
    – Popular sequences
    – Tech and tools
  • Data management
    – Capture opportunities
    – Legalities
  • Messaging
    – Tech and tools
    – Customer services
    – New opportunities: Organic, WhatsApp, Advertising

Future Email Trends: AI, Privacy & Data Management

  • AI Trends and developments
    – Job market impact
  • Weaknesses and limitations of AI
    – Innovation
    – Nuance
    – Emotion
  • Understanding prompts
    – Common mistakes
    – Best practices
  • Becoming an AI “Power User”
  • Data privacy
    – Evolution
    – Upcoming changes