Following its first foray into job ads, Facebook has teamed with job ad aggregator ZipRecruiter for a major push in the recruitment sector.
Lookout LinkedIn
ZipRecruiter posts across sites such as LinkedIn, Google, and Twitter, creating larger and more efficient coverage of the job marketplace.
In focusing on more career-centred features, ZipRecruiter is making it possible for job creators to post through an all encompassing platform instead of having to go through Facebook specifically.
Just check a box
Now, Facebook can appear within a list of hundred of other boards, simply checking off a box means ZipRecruiter will post across all chosen forums.
According to ZipRecruiter co-founder and CEO Ian Siegel, there are over 40,000 employment websites in the US alone. Not to mention LinkedIn.
However Facebook has a habit of disruption, and a seemingly unquenchable appetite to be all things to all users. With ZipRecruiter’s new integration into Facebook’s game plan, Facebook’s job ads may be formidable.
Have you found work through social media sites? Would you engage Facebook when looking for work? Let us know in our comment section below.
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