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Five things that will shape Google in 2013

Google had a big year in 2012: it scored a huge win over Apple in the map-gate saga, Google+ continued to gain ground, and the search giant rolled out countless updates and improvements to its service.

Never one to rest on its laurels, Google looks set to have an even bigger 2013. Here are five things to look out for.

1. Android

Android now tops iPhone ownership in Australia, and the trend doesn't look like slowing.

This means more developers will start making apps for Android before iOS, meaning more apps, more cash and more advertisers for Google in 2013.

2. Google Apps for Business

In December 2012 Google announced it would start charging new customers to use its suite of Google Apps for Business, which includes services such as word processing and spreadsheets.

Now that it's charging for a formally free service, Google will have to beef up its offering so customers don't go to rival cloud services such as DropBox and Apple's iCloud.

3. Google+

Google's social media platform has often been the brunt of online criticism, some more deserved than others. But 2013 may be the year Google+ gains respect.

Sure, it may never see engagement levels like Facebook or Twitter, but services like Hangouts will see Google+ serving specific user needs.

And don't forget that having a Google+ account makes you look better to Google search, and that's never a bad thing.

4. Google Glass

One of the most talked-about tech items of 2012 was Google Glass, the augmented-reality project that puts a computer into a pair of glasses.

Google's high-tech shades, which allow users to take photos, videos and text, is rumoured to launch this year.

Gimmick or The Next Big Thing? Time will tell.

5. The future of search

Back in May 2012 Google rolled out Knowledge Graph, a project that searched Google's vast banks of information to make search smarter and more meaningful.

Late last year Google hired famed futurist Ray Kurzwell to help further refine its search offering.

While Google turning into HAL might not happen in 2013, expect more sophisticated search on the horizon, and of course more targeted advertising.

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  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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