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Instagram Trials Grid Overhaul: The Rise of Vertical Posts

Instagram, once synonymous with its iconic square images, might soon look drastically different. The platform is testing a significant change to profile pages, which could see the traditional square grid morph into vertical rectangles. This shift aligns with the growing trend of vertical content, especially as Instagram continues to prioritise video formats like Reels. But what does this potential change mean for users and content creators who have meticulously curated their profiles?

The Evolution from Squares to Rectangles

Instagram’s square grid has been a hallmark of the platform since its inception. The uniformity and aesthetic appeal of squares allowed users to create visually pleasing profiles where each post seamlessly aligned with the next. However, as Instagram has evolved, so too has the nature of the content being shared. The introduction of non-square formats in 2015 marked the beginning of a transition, one that now seems poised to reach a new phase with the testing of a vertical grid.

Instagram head Adam Mosseri has been vocal about the reasoning behind this potential shift. He acknowledges that while the square format is a nod to the platform’s origins, it no longer reflects the reality of how content is created and consumed today. “The vast majority of what is uploaded to Instagram today is vertical,” Mosseri explained in a recent Instagram story. Photos typically have a 4:3 aspect ratio, while videos are often 9:16. Cropping these formats into squares can result in a loss of important visual information, a compromise that Mosseri describes as “brutal.”

The Implications for Marketers

For many Instagram users, particularly those who have spent hours crafting the perfect grid, the prospect of a vertical layout might be unsettling. The current square grid allows for a high degree of control and creativity in profile presentation. Moving to a vertical format could disrupt the careful balance and symmetry that some users have painstakingly achieved.

However, the shift to a vertical grid might not be as jarring as it initially seems. Early glimpses of the new layout, shared by reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi in late 2022, suggest that the vertical grid could be visually appealing in its own right. Instead of the traditional squares, users would see their posts displayed as vertical rectangles, offering a more immersive view of photos and videos. This change could also better accommodate the Reels format, which has become a central focus for Instagram.

Still, it’s clear that this shift will require users to rethink their posting strategies. The vertical format offers more space for each image or video, which could enhance the visual impact of individual posts. However, it may also raise expectations for content quality, particularly when it comes to video. As Instagram continues to align its platform with the popularity of vertical video content, users may feel increased pressure to produce engaging, high-quality videos that utilise the full potential of the new grid.

A Strategic Move Towards Video Content

Instagram’s move towards a vertical profile grid is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic decision that reflects broader trends in social media consumption. Vertical video has become the dominant format on platforms like TikTok, and Instagram has been keen to capitalise on this shift through its Reels feature. By reformatting the profile grid to better showcase vertical content, Instagram is doubling down on its commitment to video.

This change also signals a shift in how Instagram wants its users to engage with the platform. The traditional grid format was ideal for photo-sharing, but as Instagram evolves into a more video-centric platform, the grid’s functionality needs to adapt. The vertical grid could make it easier for users to create cohesive, engaging profiles that highlight both photos and videos, without compromising on the visual integrity of either.

However, this transition is not without its challenges. Many users, particularly those who rely on Instagram for business or personal branding, may find the change disruptive. The square grid has been a reliable tool for curating a specific aesthetic, and moving away from it could feel like a loss of control. Instagram has acknowledged this potential concern, with Mosseri stating that the company is “listening to feedback from the community” before making any permanent changes.

Preparing for the Future of Instagram

As Instagram continues to test the vertical grid with a small group of users, it’s clear that the platform is preparing for a future where vertical content reigns supreme. While the change might seem daunting to some, it’s also an opportunity to embrace new ways of creating and sharing content. For users who have built their profiles around the square grid, now might be the time to start thinking about how to adapt to this new format.

The shift to a vertical grid is not just a cosmetic change; it’s a reflection of the evolving nature of social media. As platforms like Instagram continue to prioritise video content, users will need to adjust their strategies to stay relevant. Whether this change ultimately becomes a permanent feature remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Instagram is no longer just about squares.

*Image credit: BeFunky Inc

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