[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Leggo’s Personalised Love Songs have fans singing praises

BWM Melbourne and HardHat Digital delivered a personalised love song campaign via Facebook for pasta and sauce brand Leggo’s.  SMK looks at how the campaign worked and the inter-agency coordination involved to pull it off.

The Campaign

Leggo’s Love Songs was a Facebook campaign allowing fans of the brand to request a one-of-a-king love song for their better half as a Valentine’s Day gift.  Part of the Leggo’s Loves Pasta master campaign (the first for the brand since BWM and HardHat Digital were appointed late last year), Leggo’s Love Songs worked like this:

Leggo’s fans were directed to the brand’s Facebook page where, if they clicked the Like button, they were able to answer a few questions about them and their partner (i.e. how they got together, what they like to do, etc.).

Everyone who entered received an appropriately cute little ditty from the Leggo’s crooner delivered as a YouTube video.  The five best responses, however, received completely bespoke romantic tunes playfully referencing specific names, events and even in-jokes (check out some of the results here).

Singing from the Same Sheet

Leggo’s Love Songs was a the result of a collaboration between agencies BWM Melbourne and HardHat Digital, with BWM creating the campaign and HardHat doing the technical heavy lifting to make sure everything functioned smoothly.

“Both agencies worked really closely to ensure that all the timelines matched up and everyone knew who was responsible for which inputs,” says HardHat’s Daniel Monheit.  “Starting early, regular WIPs and shared Google docs were also instrumental in keeping it all together.  It sounds corny and predictable but the working relationship was amazing – especially as it was our first major campaign together. Both agencies came into it open-minded, respectful of each others’ expertise and with nothing but the best result for the client on the agenda. There was none of the territorialism or jockying for idea ownership that can creep in and completely destroy an opportunity like this.” 

BWM senior account manager, Lynne Rob agrees.  “Since everyone loved the creative idea, everyone was motivated to make it work,” she says.  “We all pulled together as one team to make Leggo's first venture into social media a success.”

Channels Used

To drive audience participation in the social media campaign, it was promoted with online banners, Facebook ads, on-pack stickers and through a partnership with radio presenter Richard Mercer, Mix 101’s “Love God”.

The overall Leggo’s Loves Pasta campaign, however, also included print, radio and TVC elements.

Target Demographics

Broadly speaking the target demographic for the campaign was typical for Fast Moving Consumer Goods brands: female grocery buyers in the 25-54 age bracket.  More specifically, however, the campaign tried to target those proud home cooks with a real love for Italian food.

Aims and Objectives

“The objectives for the campaign were around building a community, fan engagement, ‘virality’ and overall sentiment,” says HardHat’s Monheit.  BWM’s Robb concurs, noting that there was a need and opportunity to embrace “new forms of media to build consumer involvement with the Leggo’s brand.”


Across the four primary objective metrics, HardHat Digital and BWM both report enormous success and SMK’s own examination of audience response bears this out. Leggo’s has now amassed almost 12,000 FB likes, with posted responses almost universally positive.

While a certain amount of troubleshooting must be expected in such a logistically ambitious campaign—the occasional user didn’t receive their song on time for V-Day—these were overwhelmingly in the minority.  Even so, the campaign team was extremely diligent in responding to any reported hiccups with the upshot that even those with issues were ultimately more than satisfied with the level of support.  In effect, the campaign even embraced the solving of technical issues as an opportunity to create brand trust.

“We’re thrilled,” says Monehit. “Happy fans and a happy client make for two very happy agencies. We’re all busy planning the next one, taking the insights we’ve picked up from Personalised Love Songs and working to ensure that the next campaign is even bigger, better and more successful.”

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