[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Quick Tips on Driving Change

Get Schmart Marketing conference in Melbourne was co-hosted by Jeffrey Hayzlett who spoke about driving change.
Hayzlett worked with Kodak many years ago and for a time, successfully turned the business around. Considering Kodak’s recent troubles, Hayzlett says he can pinpoint where they went wrong. “Kodak went wrong in 1975,” he says. A digital camera was presented to them, and they shelved it because they thought they were in the business of film.

Hayzlett says businesses need to “Adapt Change or Die.” He’s under no illusion that it’s easy, but it is necessary. “I don’t care if it’s 1824 or 2012 driving change is a very difficult thing to do.”

When leading a team into change. Hayzlett keeps the following in mind.

On Fear: “You can’t be afraid to be a beginner.” If you’re doing something for the first time or don’t understand jargon, ask for advice.

On Tension: “Legal and HR will try to pull everybody back. That’s not their job, their job is to make sure you don’t fall off. You should be causing tension as much as possible.”

On Transparency: “Talk about the elephant in the room. Kill it.”  Hayzlett says we’ve all been to those meetings where, “as we walk away we’re all talking about the elephant in the room.” By the time it’s addressed, “the elephant has gained 15,000 pounds and is wearing a pink tutu.” Issues need to be addressed before taking the business online, because, as Hayzlett points out, “If you suck offline you will suck online.”

On Risk: “What’s the worst thing that’s going to happen if you make a mistake as a marketer? A papercut? No-one’s going to die.”

Get Schmart marketing conference was held on 21 February 2012 in Melbourne and will be held on 23 February 2012 in Sydney.

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