[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Three Video Marketing trends to watch in 2014

While the year is not yet done, 2013 might well be the year video established its chops when it comes to social.

First of all Vine kicked off the short-form video craze in January, only to be one-upped by Instagram launching its own, strikingly similar service in June. 

Meanwhile YouTube moved towards a more curated, monetised model as Facebook is preparing to launch video ads. 

So what's in store for video marketing when next year? Here are our top predictions.

1, Retail

Retail has been dabbling in video for the past few years, but in 2014 we think it will become huge. Last year 66 per cent of shopper used video regularly – this year that figure has risen to 75 per cent. 

This means retailers will be amping up their websites and social platforms with media rich content like videos that can showcase new products, launches, Q&As and even clips that show you how to assemble the table you just bought. 

To get an idea of what's possible look at this new interactive billboard eBay has erected in San Francisco.

2. Length doesn't matter

While asking how long your video should be is like asking how long is a piece of string, the prevailing wisdom is that less is more. 

YouTube videos 90 seconds long tend to get shared more often, however short-form videos on Vine (up to six seconds) and Instagram video (up to 15 seconds) show that as long as you get a point across, length doesn't really matter. 

Plus shorter videos load more quickly and can be shared more rapidly. 

3. Facebook video will be a big deal

While there is much speculation about Facebook video ads – that they'll be autoplay and put off users, that they'll cost advertisers US$2 million a day, etc we'll just have to wait until they launch to make our final judgement.  

However it's worth keeping in mind that Facebook makes the majority of its revenue through SMEs and prices its advertising accordingly. This indicates Facebook won't shut out SMEs when it comes to a slice of the video advertising pie. 

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