[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Top five facts: Pinterest continues to grow

Further to our last update on Pinterest figures in Australia, visitation to the site has steadily grown.

Weekly visits

Australian visitation to Pinterest has grown from around 358,000 visits per week in January 2012, to 500,000 in February.


In February, several Austrailan sites saw a rise in referral traffic from Pinterest. Experian Hitwise was able to measure how much of the Australian referral traffic for the top three was from Pinterest, reporting Etsy (1.66%), Better Homes and Gardens (3.30%) and Martha Stewart (4.25%) as stand-out examples. 

Picture perfect

Importantly, Etsy, Better Homes and Gardens and Martha Stewart all provide plenty of high-quality, striking images on their sites, Etsy of homewares, fashion and many other products, and Better Homes and Gardens and Martha Stewart of delectable dishes and home improvements. As Pinterest grows, it's worth considering what kind of images could be included on your site, together with Pinterest's 'Pin it' button.

Searching for…

Two searches which were popular after leaving Pinterest were for Etsy and Ikea – indicating that interior decorating could be the next trend to hit Pinterest.


Demographics remain consistent with 60% female, predominantly aged 25 -34, There is an overrepresentation of Queenslanders and users with higher incomes (Mosaic profiles Privileged Prosperity and Young Ambition).

Experian Hitwise forecasts that if Pinterest growth continues at the current rate weekly visits will hit 1,000,000 in 11 weeks.

All data: Experian Hitwise

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  • Module 1: 2024 Influencer Marketing Trends, Forecasts & Opportunities
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  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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