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100 Content Marketing Trending Themes For 2019

2019 Trends From Goat's Milk Soap To Jam Making

Coming up with fresh ideas for content is difficult. 

Year after year, post after post, things can get a bit samey. 

To help inject some much-needed freshness into content Pinterest has published the Pinterest 100: The top trends for 2019based on 175 billion ideas saved to some 3 billion boards.

There are some great, if not odd, ideas in here to inject a bit of life and relevance into 2019 content marketing plans.

The trends are broken out across:

  • Travel
  • Health and wellness
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Life moments
  • Food
  • Homes
  • Men’s style
  • Women’s style
  • Beauty
  • Kids and parenting

SMK’s Top 10 Fave Content Trends

  1. Elderberries are exploding with goodness and popularity: Searches for elderberry recipes +685%
  2. Apparently, Bakuchiol is a thing, and everyone loves it. I clearly don’t take enough care of my skin, but people that do, are all over it: Searches for bakuchiol +275%
  3. Having jaeger bombs on a Friday night is great, notwithstanding the four days of crying afterwards and self-loathing. As such, people are increasingly going dry and opting for a sober life: Searches for sober living +746%
  4. Sleep is the new clubbing, especially when you have two very small children like I do: Searches for sleep optimisation +116%
  5. Everybody’s hustling nowadays; losing money on crypto and making tea blends on the side: Searches for side hustles at home +690%
  6. Combining a love of avocados with trying to save a deposit for a house is tricky, but savvy pinners have it sussed. Joe Hockey would be proud: Searches for how to grow an avocado tree +101%
  7. Sixteen years ago The Streets riffed on ‘Deep seeded urban decay’, and the challenges inherent therein. Today it’s a favourite for snappers around the world: Searches for urban decay photography +44%
  8. What do you get if you cross vegans with paleo diet aficionados… Pegans! The new Pegan diet is the ultimate status symbol for those on a health crusade: Searches for eating pegan +337%
  9. Corduroys are no longer just the domain of 1970s school supply-teachers, dapper gents might hopefully start covering their naked ankles and cord up:  Searches for corduroy +507%
  10. Become a spiritual guardian for a young child, when asked, or end up with sleeping with the fishes: Searches for godparent proposals +152%

Get creative with your content planning and check out the Pinterest 100: The top trends for 2019 here.


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  • Module 1: 2024 Influencer Marketing Trends, Forecasts & Opportunities
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  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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