[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


C’mon Aussie Social Media, C’mon

The latest Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising and Brand Messages report (April 2012) tells us that among Nielsen’s 10 internet-metered markets, Australian users spend the most time visiting social networks and blogs, averaging seven hours and 17 minutes per week. More than the US, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.

This can be coupled with the fact that the two most trusted forms of referral/advertising are ‘recommendations from people known’ (92%) and ‘consumer opinions posted online’ (70%).

The playing field for leveraging the benefits of social media, in Australia, is perfect in terms of propensity and conversion. The first mover advantage is there to be had. So what’s the issue?

Here are ten common reasons as to why Aussie businesses are lagging behind in the social space.


It is detrimental to employee productivity. Staff could be killing time in other ways that are more acceptable such as talking, smoking or drinking.


It could damage the company’s reputation. People may be saying things about the company already that we don’t know about and that’s fine, as long as we don’t know about it.


We don’t have the time or resources to contribute and moderate. I wish I had time to explain, but I need to urgently react to this campaign by spending two weeks formulating a retail push for something that may or may not work.


Traditional media is still bigger, we will use social media when it is more mainstream. I can’t wait to get home, have a lovely meal at the table & gather around the TV with my family and watch Hey Hey It’s Saturday.


It doesn’t fit into current structures. Back in the 1950’s when these structures were created – they really worked!


The tools to measure and analyse Social Media aren’t mature enough yet. I’ll continue to spend millions based on hand-written diaries, thank you very much.


We don’t know where to start. There are probably some people that haven’t known where to start before, but I believe its best we avoid this situation. Where’s the wool to pull over my eyes?


Terrified of feedback and truth. I will continue to do what I do – but know isn’t right – while others tell me what I know is right and ignore them – #FAIL.


We are afraid of making a mistake. I got into marketing so I could follow rules, guidelines and distance myself from anyone who purchases my good or service.


The “newness” of it, going to wait. This will all pass…please let it pass. Just like the internet.

You can view the entire report here.

Martyn Thomas founded FRANk Media in 2000 to focus on communications strategy as a key differentiator from the pack. Today, FRANk is a hybrid full service agency with social business strategy at the core. Martyn’s thoughts can be found on the FRANk blog frankmedia.com.au/blog.

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  • Module 2: Setting up GA4 Conversions & Understanding Analytics Events
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  • Module Four: GA4 report round-up, conversion attribution & visualisation

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  • Module 2: Organic Influencer Marketing Best Practices
  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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