Facebook admins can now vet content to generate creator tags for brand partners and their affiliated posts.
You can vouch for me
The new update will affect the Page Rolls feature, giving admins more control over who connects to who, limiting spam and unwanted connections.
Not only does this amp up control but it will also allow for more transparency as to which Pages are partnered in business to one and other.
Only authorised creators will be able to tag a given Page, thanks to the addition of innovative approval settings.
One happy family of affiliates
Only added business partners will have approval for tagging via the branded content tool, while the host-business continually receives notifications of additional tags.
The benefit is twofold as connections between businesses become more apparent and deters SEO spammers from leaching off popular brand names.
Facebook had recently announced its revision of Page guidelines and this appears to be a continuation in creating a more efficient browsing experience.
Do you think this benefits business? Give us your thoughts in the comments section.
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