[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Has Facebook finally gone too far?

Facebook is no stranger to controversy, however eyebrows were raised when the social network recently split its premiere app in two, effectively forcing users to download its Messenger app.

A few weeks down the road and users aren’t exactly flocking to use Messenger. Quite the opposite.

Shoot the Messenger

At the time of writing the Facebook Messenger had a measly one star rating from over 21,000 reviews. And numerous negative reviews on Google Play.

That's even worse than the drubbing Facebook Home received after its ill-conceived move to take over the home screens of Android handsets.

Things haven’t been helped by Facebook’s shifting stance on Messenger. At various points over the past fortnight Facebook has insisted users must download the app to keep sending and receiving Facebook messages. At other times it says users don’t have to.

Privacy fears

Also stoking the flames are waves of negative publicity, from privacy fears to claims Facebook Messenger could make phone calls and send texts without users' permission.

To be fair to Facebook some of this information was incorrect, and the access Messenger requires is no greater than other apps. But that didn't quiet the storm.

Speak up

While the fury of Messenger might die down, it’s interesting to note that Facebook can’t necessarily have everything it’s own way.

Sure, the new Messenger app might be an improvement, but Facebook failed by forcing users to download the app rather than making it optional.

Users are nothing if not spoilt for choice when it comes to Messaging apps these days, with everyone from Pinterest to Skype offering something similar.

With over half its 1.2 billion users now mobile, Facebook’s learning its prized demographic can be as easily pushed around as they might like.

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