[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Martech Mashup: Dropbox’s Future Proofing

Dropbox isn’t shy about self-promotion, but they do tend to drop a few serious stats in to their marketing mix that keeps it interesting.

Unboxing the features

For a while, Dropbox has been looking to, at least partially, re-frame itself as a provider of forward-looking solutions to business problems.

The functionality they’re focussed on now include:

  • Custom-branding for shared links
  • Secure sending directly from a shared folder hub
  • Electronic document signatures, via trusted third-parties.

To give sales gravitas to their promo, Dropbox frames the above three features as solutions to prospecting, pitching and closing, respectively.

Stats to match

Dropbox then tenuously connect the sales phases to some emerging tech trends, each projected to grow by more than 100% over the next three years.

They say there’ll be a huge upswing in AI product recommendations based on customer preferences, and in classification, prediction, and reaction to purchase patterns, facilitated by ‘deep learning’.

Short back and sides

They’ve recently done a bunch of back-end improvements too, including things like making pdf previews work better through their app.

With improvements in their own systems and expanding integrations like Adobe Document Cloud, Dropbox is working smoothly towards being a staple B2B SAS provider.

Are you ready to accept Dropbox as something more than a cloud storage service, or are all these extras just lipstick on a box?

Copy Transmission is a Melbourne-based agency :: Better Brands. Loud & Clear.

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