How do you reckon Gen Z wants you to reach out to them?
It’s not social and it’s not SMS. Plus, this is a story about MailChimp, so it’s obviously…
eDM to get to Z
Whatever you may think of the media habits of Gen Z— those born between 1996 and 2010— MailChimp has found that 60% of them say ‘email is the most preferred and personal way brands can target them’.
New numbers best practice
What else is new for eDM optimisation?
MailChimp have some easy and up-to-date advice on what tends to work best for eDM structure and process. The two most straightforward ones to execute are
· Ratios
· Landing Pages.
Ratios & landing pages
For the former, they’re talking text to image ratios: that is, the total wordcount divided by the number of images in your email.
In general, try to keep that ratio low. The statistic that backs up the advice: 95% of the ‘high-performing accounts’ on MailChimp typically do ‘campaigns with 200 words or less per image’.
MailChimp claims that their landing pages boost customers’ list growth rates by an average of 36%. They put this down to ease, clarity and simple ways to make purchases.
What other parts of standard eDM strategy do you reckon deserve a rethink?
Copy Transmission is a Melbourne-based agency :: Better Brands. Loud & Clear.
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