[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Perth Zoo reaches out

Perth Zoo together with The Brand Agency has created an innovative campaign to raise awareness of the plight of the endangered Sumatran Orang utan. It is estimated only 6,300 Sumatran Orang utans remain in the wild. The species is endangered and the Zoo, through the In their Hands campaign, aims to raise awareness of the issue.

Guided tour

The In their Hands site sees viewers guided through town images into the deep jungle of Indonesia. The guide walks the audience through the Orang utan’s plight. Sub titles are provided, addressing the guide’s accent, and also providing a learning experience for the audience, in which children will be strongly represented.

Virtual palm reading

The guide asks the viewer to capture an image of their palm on an interactive screen using their computer’s camera.

The viewer is then given a palm reading, together with facts about Orang utans. The reading is captured on screen together with the image of the user’s hand.


At the end of the video, users are encouraged to share their palm print on Facebook, where a post with the captured image appears together with the message, ‘I’ve just had my future read to help change theirs. Sumatran Orangutans are facing extinction and Perth Zoo needs your hand to raise awareness. Visit theirhands.com.au to lend yours.'


A mural is being created at Perth Zoo to display images of hands provided virtually and in person, and this will be displayed in Perth once complete.


The campaign coincides with the release of zoo-born male Orang utan Semeru into a protected Indonesian rainforest.

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