[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Prime Minister to boost Google+’s profile with Hangout

Since launching a year ago Google+ may have failed to gain mainstream traction yet its Hangouts feature – an easy way to host and broadcast live videoconferences with up to ten active participants – may well prove an ace up Google's sleeve.

Google+ will get a further boost when Prime Minister Julia Gillard hosts a Hangout to field questions and come (virtually) face to face with everyday Australians later this week. 

Gillard’s Hangout, co-hosted by Deakin University, OurSay and Fairfax Media, will see her join the likes of David Beckham, the Dalai Lama, US President Barrack Obama, and even The Muppets in using Google+ to communicate directly with the public.

Gillard’s Hangout won’t be a total free-for-all, mind you. Instead, the PM has invited people to submit the questions they want answered via OurSay.org or Twitter using the #pmhangout hashtag, with participants able to vote for the best questions at OurSay. Authors of the top three questions will then be invited to join Gillard directly during the Hangout (voting ceases at 5pm on July 19).

The Hangout will be viewable on July 21 via Google+, pm.gov.au, and Deakin University’s YouTube page and though the event will no doubt attract a lot of politically-minded Australians, social media trend-watchers will also watch on with great interest. 

The Prime Minister might just have the pull to help properly propel Google+ into the online Australian mainstream.

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