[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Snapchat uses AI to Crowd Surf concerts

Snapchat's latest AI driven feature lets users compile multiple snaps into an extended clip of their favourite musical performances.

From Snap to clip

Hot the heels of the Pokemon partnership that let Snapchatters Pickachu themselves, ‘Crowd Surf’ has the comparative feel of a feature with real longevity.

Analysing if and when there are a bunch of people all recording clips of the same performance, the Crowd Surf algorithms picks from the available clips and stitches them into a contiguous clip.

On the waves

Josh Constantine’s clip on YouTube shows Crowd Surf in action. Viewers follow a live show by Lorde, compiled from multiple 10 second Snaps.

Lorde & Snapchat Crowd Surf

It’s a bit of a choppy concert experience.

Rather than rivalling professionally shot concert footage, its variations in sound and video quality give it grassroots charm.

Green light

Crowd Surf is a new way that content consumers can break the 10 second Snap barrier on the platform.

Unlike many of the features and filters that Snapchat has launched in recent times, this one seems like it could be refined and improved over time.

What’s more, it has the potential to evolve into something quite different.

It will be interesting to see where it goes, and how Instagram replies.

What do you think of Crowd Surf so far? For what, do you imagine, will this tech be used in future?

Copy Transmission is a Melbourne-based agency :: Better Brands. Loud & Clear.

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