[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Spanish Burger King pulls ace with ‘InstaWhopper’

The king of burgers wants you to build your very own Whopper – and they want you to do it while cruising Instagram Stories.

What’s the recipe?

Burger King Spain's newest advertising campaign focuses on entertaining the consumer with polls and favoured toppings in order to generate unique coupons sent via Instagram DM.

First, Burger King started with nine essential ingredients and in this case created a story for each of them. Every story consisted of a 15-second segment with a cheeky poll inviting users to choose toppings.

Instagrammers may have noticed unique coupons delivered via text message that could be redeemed at the Burger King of their choice.

Tasty ad campaigns

Ad Agency LOLA MullenLowe created the innovative campaign. They was also behind the successful “dress as a scary clown” ad campaign that gave free whoppers to costumers and created Instagram buzz.

The “InstaWhopper” campaign saw 34,675 custom Whopper coupons delivered from 270,000 interactions with 45,113 unique users, and all under three hours.

The posted result of the InstaWhopper was 90% double patty with cheese, 84% bacon, 81% ketchup, 76% mayo, 75% lettuce, 57% onion, and 57% chose to add tomatoes. The polls have spoken.

What do you think about the new snap orientated polling? Are you surprised at the success of the InstaWhopper campaign? Let us know in our comments.

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