[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Three indications Stories could become Facebook’s default

Contrary to criticisms over Facebook’s Snapchat Story clone, the social media giant seems determined to adopt the slideshow format as the true successor to status updates.

What’s good for the Snap is good for the Book

Facebook has announced the launch of three significant tests focused on making Facebook Stories the default form of content sharing.

According to Facebook, “The way people share and connect is changing…We’re testing new creative tools to bring pictures and videos to life, and introducing easier ways to find and share stories.”

The tests are:

  1. Mobile Facebook statuses will immediately show an open camera window and your most recent images (being tested with among select users).
  2. When using the augmented reality Facebook Camera, the sharing page will default to having Stories selected automatically (being tested in the Dominican Republic).
  3. Facebook Stories will appear with large preview tiles above the News Feed, with half-covered teaser pictures behind the larger titles to hint at the content (being tested among select users).

Social Media 2.0

Facebook and social media have undergone an evolution of changes since its advent some 14 years ago. Mobile use is dictating the new direction, with photo and video being the premiere commodity.

With the back and forth battle of video/photo sharing between Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram, the Stories format is already established and its not about if it will take centre, just when.

What are your thoughts on the rise of visual communication? Are you surprised at Facebook’s push of Stories over status updates? Let us know what you think in our comment section below.

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