[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Three Ways to Prepare for Google Attribution

At the most recent Marketing Next Summit, Google announced a brand new tool that will soon become the third essential piece for all Google advertisers: Google Attribution.

What is it?

The new Attribution tool fills the gap that currently exists with Analytics' Multi-Channel Funnels that only compares different attribution models.

With Google Attribution, we’ll also be able to action them with a brand new Data-Driven, Machine Learned, Cross-Channel attribution model.

Although Google Attribution is not slated for release in Australia until next year, there are a few steps you need to take to prepare so now is a good time to get the house in order.

Step 1: End of Last Click

The first step isn't a technical one but is arguably an even more difficult, human problem.

Google has trained us all to think 'Last Click' attribution for many years, because that's how AdWords Search and Analytics first started.

A decade later, we are now in a cross-device, cross-channel world but are still using a one device, one channel measuring stick.

The first step is to get all stakeholders to agree we actually do have a problem with our current yardstick and that we should be measuring cross-channel and cross-device, thus giving due credit for Assisting channels.

Step 2: Moving to Data Driven Attribution

Once you’re ready with the technicals go to AdWords -> Measurement -> Conversions settings.

Here you can edit each Conversion away from using the 'Last Click Attribution' model to instead use the 'Data Driven Attribution' model.

Once you switch over to Data Driven Attribution, you’ll notice a few immediate impacts:

1) Conversions are no longer whole numbers – recognising Data Driven Attribution's allowance of *partial* attribution to a channel

2) Conversions previously attributed to Branded keywords will now skew more towards Unbranded keywords

3) Conversions previously attributed to Desktop devices will now skew more towards Mobile devices.

Ultimately the net result is that with proper attribution, for the same media spend, you should be able to drive more conversions.

Step 3: Troubleshooting

If the 'Data Driven Attribution' option isn’t available, its because you have too few conversions.

If that’s the case, you’ll need to massively increase the number of Conversion signals (typically Micro Conversions) that you can feed to the Google algorithm.

Adam Sugihto is founder of specialist, Melbourne based Pay Per Click agency and Google Certified Partner, Intentional. Since 2009, the Intentional team have driven online advertising for companies in global markets such as Prague, Paris, Tokyo, London, Shanghai, Bangkok, New York and LA; as well as being digital advisor and partner in the Australian domestic market for numerous household brands and NFPs.


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