[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


5 ‘Big Rocks’ to Kickstart your 2018

Getting straight into the thick of things off the back of holidays is hard. 
So here are five ‘helicopter’ items you can look into to set yourself up for a fantastic 2018 before diving into the day to day details!

1: Affirm your Goals

The new year is a great time to re-evaluate your goals – both Macro and Micro conversions to make sure there is still alignment with business goals for the year ahead. 
Do your current goals still make sense? Or are there new macro or micro conversions that you should be making use of this year? 
Are the Values associated with your macro and micro conversions giving your Programmatic algorithms the conversion signals they require? You are using Values for all your Conversions aren't you?

2: Get your PPC house in order

2017 saw an enormous influx of new bright, shiny PPC objects to play with.
Amongst all the busyness of last year, have you taken advantage of all the new features that were released for your channel/s? 
Or could your existing ad features/settings do with a revisit to ensure they’re being maximised? 

3: Refresh your Dashboards, Scripts & Alerts

No one ever likes making mistakes but we've all had budgets over or underspent, KPIs missed or items that slipped through the cracks – sometimes not even our fault.
What dashboards, scripts and/or alerts could you put in place to notify yourself of particular events so that you would have real-time awareness in case the same left-field events pop up again?

4: Set yourself up to learn

Speaking of notifications, the start of the year is a great time to curate what you put in front of your eyes and ears.
Are you subscribed to PPC thought leaders' blogs, podcasts, social & youtube channels?
Better still, go deeper and pre-download great marketing & advertising Audiobooks.
For the ultimate, enrol in a course or two.

5: Study Blockchain

Finally, for anyone in digital, its been hard to avoid cryptocurrency mania. 
Beyond the mad speculative investing, there actually is some fascinating work being done in the digital marketing and advertising space using blockchain tech.
Given Blockchain is going to be the buzzword for 2018 – time invested away from the hype and into the tech will surely be rewarded.


Adam Sugihto is founder of specialist, Melbourne based Pay Per Click agency and Google Certified Partner, Intentional. Since 2009, the Intentional team have driven online advertising for companies in global markets such as Prague, Paris, Tokyo, London, Shanghai, Bangkok, New York and LA; as well as being digital advisor and partner in the Australian domestic market for numerous household brands and NFPs.


Learn with SMK through March

Start your SMK: Digital Excellence 7-day free trial today and unlock unlimited, on-demand access to hundreds of hours of digital masterclasses, training courses and hands-on tutorials.

Your risk-free trial offers the perfect opportunity to expand and upgrade your digital intellectual property.

Each month SMK releases 30 hours of new and updated social media and digital marketing educational course content, ensuring you never get left behind – be it on digital strategy, tactics or implementation.

Alongside this, SMK offers live help and support weekly within the SMK Working Group. It might be a quick fix or the root of a bigger problem; either way, a problem shared is a problem halved. On a day-to-day basis, SMK’s team gives you hands-on support and fresh ideas.

Not to mention a shoulder to cry on, occasionally.

March's Courses, Live Help & Support Options

Live Member Clinics every Monday & Tuesday from 1 pm – 2 pm AEST

  • Live help and support from SMK’s team of analysts.
  • Book in to request a personalised discussion for 15 or 30m via Zoom within the Facebook Working Group.

Weekly Technical Labs: Meta Business Suite on Wednesdays from 1 pm – 2 pm AEST

  • Technical Labs explore the technological process and workflows related to key digital marketing activities.

Google Analytics 4, Data Analysis & Evaluation Masterclass on Thursdays from 10 am – 12 pm AEST

  • Module 1: GA4 Optimisation, Key Features, Tools & Reports
  • Module 2: Setting up GA4 Conversions & Understanding Analytics Events
  • Module Three: Analytics campaign tracking and report analysis
  • Module Four: GA4 report round-up, conversion attribution & visualisation

Influencer Marketing Masterclass: Organic, Paid & Commerce on Fridays from 10 am – 12 pm AEST

  • Module 1: 2024 Influencer Marketing Trends, Forecasts & Opportunities
  • Module 2: Organic Influencer Marketing Best Practices
  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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