[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Facebook: How VR works with social

There's been a lot of talk about Virtual Reality (VR) of late. But sometimes it's hard to see how wearing a headset fits in with you marketing plan.

Now Facebook has released a report outlining how VR and social can work together. 

Cyber and social space

Facebook commissioned Neurons Inc to study how people reacted to having a conversation wearing an Oculus Rift headset, versus face to face chatting.

60 participants were divided into pairs and instructed to have two conversations: one in VR and one in person.

Participants wore EEG headsets to measure brain signals, plus levels of comfort and engagement. 


The study found participants, in particular introverts, were able to successfully establish relationships in the virtual environment. They were more likely to reveal personal information about themselves, and felt a greater connection to their partners in VR.

Most participants had never used VR before, yet the EEG results showed positive motivation levels in the prime range of cognitive effort.

In other words, participants were primed to remember and process information.


Participants said they wanted to use VR for professional, social, and entertainment purposes.

These included researching holidays (65%), interacting with colleagues (59%), and viewing products in a shop without having to visit (60%).

While mainstream VR adoption is still aways off, Facebook says marketers should begin considering how it can be used in campaigns, especially with early adopters.

In the meantime, there's 360 degree video if you need a gateway drug.


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  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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