[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Facebook to launch major update to NewsFeed video

Videos in your Facebook timeline are going to change. Autoplay sound, watch-and-scroll, and larger vertical videos are just some of the tweaks coming your way.

Autoplay sound

Until now, autoplaying videos in your Facebook newsfeed have been silent by default, required a click to activate sound.

With the latest video revamp, videos will autoplay with audio unless you opt out by changing your personal settings.

While that’s not likely to please everyone, marketers should be alive to the new possibilities it can offer—and perhaps be aware that annoying audio could be a turnoff to some users.


Akin to YouTube’s picture-in-picture functionality, changes to Facebook will allow users to minimise a video so that it plays picture-in-picture style as they continue to scroll their newsfeed.

You can drag the minimised video to any corner of the screen, while Android users will be able to exit the app while continuing to watch video.

Vertical goes big

Vertical videos will also feature a larger default display, taking up more space in your NewsFeed. Facebook claims the idea is to make previews of vertical orientation videos look as good as possible on mobile devices.

Facebook says the updates will roll out “slowly” with no firm indication of when they’ll receive mainstream implementation. So while you shouldn’t expect to see them immediately, you should consider yourself warned.

If you suddenly get startled by sound bursting from your mobile as you scroll, at least you’ll know why.

To read more about the update and other planned features, click here.

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