[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


Your DC Snap Lens design could get you to Comic-Con

Snapchat has launched a competition for users to design their own DC-themed AR lenses, to win an all-expenses paid trip to the 2018 Sand Diego Comic-Con.

Super Lenses

For US Snapchat users willing to partake in some creative augmented reality art, the DC Super Heroes Challenge consists of creating a Lens inspired by Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman.

With iconic superheroes inspiring a bit of healthy design competition, a new generation of AR lens developers could be encouraged to innovate through the competition.

Big brands bedazzle

This is Snapchat’s first challenge to involve a name brand as big as DC, and is sure to garner some attention if not a bit of geeky excitement. Facebook will definitely take note.

Snapchat’s model of offering tangible rewards for amateur AR ingenuity has a great deal of appeal. Having already tapped younger demographics, there’s a recipe for something interesting here. Even super.

What do you think about the Lens Challenges? Do think this will help Snapchat remain relevant? We want to know what you think, just head down to the comments below.

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  • Module 3: Optimising Influencer Campaigns With Social Ads
  • Module 4: Evaluation, Reporting and Influencer Commerce

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