Twitter working on location ads for retailers
Twitter is reportedly working on a new system that allows retailers to target nearby shoppers. ....
Facebook reboots Page Insights for brands
23/06/2013 SMK Editor
Businesses now get more in-depth analytics from their Facebook pages. ....
Instagram now has video
20/06/2013 SMK Editor
After a frantic week of speculation, Instagram confirms the rumours and launches a video service. ....
Check it out: we look at the latest check-in stats
20/06/2013 SMK Editor
SMK looks at the latest data from social location apps and what they mean for brands. ....
Why advertisers can't afford to ignore YouTube
19/06/2013 SMK Editor
We look at the latest stats showing why brands should invest in a video marketing strategy. ....
MailChimp gets a makeover
19/06/2013 SMK Editor
The email client get a new look and enhanced mobile-functionality. ....
How to uncover your hidden website traffic
18/06/2013 SMK Editor
Google’s move to secure search means less data for marketers. What’s the solution? ....
Is Instagram getting video this week?
17/06/2013 SMK Editor
It looks like Instagram is about to launch its own video service. Will it be a Vine killer? ....
Yahoo publishes ad patent targeting influential users
17/06/2013 SMK Editor
Yahoo reveals details of a new ad model charging marketers more to reach power users. ....
Twitter debuts video service #Followme
16/06/2013 SMK Editor
Twitter now lets users create a video capturing their social footprint. ....
Facebook joins the party, embaces hashtags
16/06/2013 SMK Editor
Facebook confirms rumours and finally starts rolling out hashtags - to some users. ....
Twitter rolls out free analytics dashboard
13/06/2013 SMK Editor
Twitter launches a new way to measure the reach and ROI of a tweet. ....