Pollenizer brings Australian start ups to life
“I’d say 90% of the time we find that the assumptions we make are not correct. We’re happy with that because, it means we change it, we flip it so that it is right.,” says Bronwen Clune, Customer Development Manager at Pollenizer. ....
McDonald’s Australia hits 100,000+
25/08/2011 SMK Editor
McDonald’s approach to social media is slow and steady ....
Is location the new 'check in'?
23/08/2011 SMK Editor
Facebook Places is no longer. Does location offer more opportunities? ....
Mob-Labs augmented reality
22/08/2011 SMK Editor
Mob-Labs create some amazing digital experiences. But they say the best is yet to come. ....
Opinion: Facebook deals
19/08/2011 SMK Editor
SMK Program Director, James Fitzgerald explores the potential pitfalls of Facebook Deals. ....
Australian event registration solution, Eventarc
17/08/2011 SMK Editor
Eventarc is an Australia-based event registration solution ....
Volley Australia on Facebook and Twitter
15/08/2011 SMK Editor
Volley Australia engages with loyal fans on Facebook and Twitter. ....
Interstate guests urged to Play Melbourne
09/08/2011 SMK Editor
With an investment of $14million over three years, Tourism Victoria’s Play Melbourne campaign is serious business. ....
Domino's Pizza billboard in Times Square
26/07/2011 SMK Editor
Domino’s Pizza in the USA has taken up a Times Square billboard to display customer feedback, promoting the Domino’s Tracker program. ....