[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

Digital Marketing News

Red Cross Australia targets nuclear weapons

Six months into Red Cross Australa's 'Target Nuclear Weapons' campaign, SMK looks at the work behind the campaign, which seems destined to reach one million people this year. ....


The recently released Victorian Public Transport app has received over 2,200 ratings in the app store, equating to a measly 1.5 stars. ....

New technology: There it is

24/04/2012 SMK Editor

Search visualised and brought to life; the technology behind There it is has a multitude of applications. ....

Jim Beam gets primal

24/04/2012 SMK Editor

The Works Sydney go primal on social media in their latest campaign for Jim Beam. ....

MLA Wants Workers to Chuck a Sunday

20/04/2012 SMK Editor

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have followed up their popular Australia Day ‘Chopular Culture’ campaign by trying to persuade consumers to ’Chuck a Sunday’. ....

Fashion bloggers from around Australia will come together to learn and network at the inaugural Fashionopolis fashion bloggers conference. ....

A Video Is Worth 1.8 Million Words

18/04/2012 SMK Editor

“Video killed the radio star,” blurted a 1979 song declaring the demise of radio and ushering us into the era of music videos. More than three decades later, video is swiftly replacing the written word. ....

Kirsteene Phelan has joined Etsy as AU Community Manager. ....

Condom megabrand Durex has turned to creative Facebook fans for their latest campaign, The Naked Box competition. ....

Perhaps the biggest news in social media this week was Facebook’s one billion dollar purchase of Instagram. ....

When food writer Michael Shafran decided he wanted to write a recipe book, he decided to create a community around it before it existed. The very same community is key to creating the book. ....

The IBM 2012 Smarter Consumer Study reveals that social media has a huge influence on Australian’s shopping decisions. ....