[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

Strategy Course – Social Media Advertising Masterclass

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Released: 4th March 2024


Ads Trends, Landscape and Opportunities

  • Digital ad spend
    – Search vs social
    – Search and social convergence
    – Retail media and social media crossover
    – Rise of online video
  • Social ads investment
    – Facebook
    – Instagram
    – LinkedIn
    – TikTok
    – YouTube
  • Key 2024 social ads trends
    – AI and ads automation
    – Data integration
    – Walled gardens
    – Messaging

Social Ad Reporting, Evaluation & Campaign Optimisation

  • Social media advertising strategy
    – Brand awareness versus direct response
    – Which platforms are popular for each
    – Social engagement issues for advertisers
  • Measuring brand awareness
    – Why reach campaigns are back in fashion
    – Attention metrics and rich audience insights
    – Brand lift studies
  • Direct response ads
    – Social media pixel tracking
    – Conversion APIs
    – Reporting on conversion data
  • Business to business ad measurement
    – Why leads are seldom enough
    – Playing the long game

Ad Strategy, Planning and Targeting

  • Advertising strategy
    – Shifting focus areas and priorities
    – Balancing long and short-term thinking
    – Taking a holistic approach
    – Creative diversification
    – Boosting versus ads
  • Evolving social ads strategies
    – Ad objectives
    – Performance optimisation
    – Messaging
    – Influencer marketing
  • Social Ad targeting
    – Website retargeting
    – Engagement retargeting
    – Automated ad retargeting

Ad Creative And Campaign Optimisation

  • Why creative trumps everything else
    – Social ads research
  • Common social ad for maths and best practices
    – Image Ads
    – Video Ads: video storyboarding, templating, AI and tools
    – Carousels
    – More niche formats
  • Ads strategy optimisation and experimentation
    – Objectives
    – Conversion locations and events
    – Ads learning phase
    – Experiments