[SMK] Social Media Knowledge

All courses

Marketing Innovation Labs for Members


Marketing Innovation Lab – Niche Platforms

Get up to speed with Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter & Amazon as SMK takes you through the most important updates & feature changes from the last 6 months only


Marketing Innovation Lab – Google SEO, Ads, YouTube, Google Analytics & Gmail

Get up to speed with SEO, Ads, YouTube, Google Analytics & Gmail as SMK takes you through the most important updates & feature changes from the last 6 months only


Marketing Innovation Lab – Facebook, Messenger & WhatsApp

Get up to speed with Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp as SMK takes you through the most important updates & feature changes from the last 6 months only

Tech Labs for Members


Tech Lab – TikTok

Working alongside SMK strategy training courses, this TikTok Tech Lab with help to understand and fully leverage TikTok for business


Tech Lab – Meta (Re-release due Q2 2024)

Step-by-step technical instructions to help you understand and fully utilise all the functions within Facebook Business Manager.


Tech Lab – LinkedIn

Technical walkthroughs of LinkedIn’s key marketing and comms tools.


Tech Lab – Google

Learn the technical processes and functions of Google Search Ads, Google Analytics 4, Google My Business and Google Tag Manager.

Digital Strategy Training Courses

Strategy Course – B2B Marketing Masterclass: Search, Social & CRM

Dive into the weeds of B2B specific online and digital marketing. From trends to engagement and awareness, email strategies and advertising. If you have a B2B focused market, this course is for you.


Strategy Course – Content Marketing Masterclass

Create an integrated content marketing strategy and enhance engagement from exploration to content creation to conversion. Unlock and exploit untapped social media advertising opportunities across Meta, LinkedIn, YouTube & TikTok.


Strategy Course – Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Masterclass

Increase profitability & impact of digital marketing activity by increasing online conversions, helping you to get more out of less


Strategy Course – Data Driven Digital Design Masterclass


Strategy Course – Digital Copywriting Masterclass: Social, Search & Web

Tap into leading-edge digital insights to ensure your copy is optimised for each digital channel.


Strategy Course – Digital Marketing For Government, Public Sector & Not-For-Profits

Increase profitability & impact of digital marketing activity by increasing online conversions, helping you to get more out of less


Strategy Course – Digital Strategy Masterclass


Strategy Course – Email Marketing Masterclass: Data, Design & CRM

From copywriting to data. Deliverability to Automation. Discover why email good email design is not enough and how you can boost your email performance.


Strategy Course – Facebook Marketing Masterclass

Get past just ‘building likes’ and finally see Facebook ROI. Start using Facebook to change behaviour, nurture leads, drive traffic and sales.


Strategy Course – Google Ads: Search, Display & Video

Plan, develop and scale Google Ads campaigns that convert. Learn how to master Google Search Engine Marketing, remarketing via Search & GDN and YouTube video ads.


Strategy Course – Google Analytics 4 Masterclass

Everything you need to know to set up Google Analytics and track your site’s performance accurately.


Strategy Course – Influencer Marketing Masterclass


Strategy Course – Instagram Marketing Masterclass

Discover Instagram marketing best practices: Instagram algorithm, Shopping, Explore, Stories, Ads, Facebook Pixel, Business Manager, Influencer marketing & Branded Content.


Strategy Course – LinkedIn & B2B Social Media Marketing


Strategy Course – Online Reputation, Crisis & Community Management

Manage negativity in social media confidently & compliantly. Protect your brand in a social media crisis and turn your social community into an army of advocates.


Strategy Course – SEO Made Easy: Technical, On-Page & Off-Page Unravelled

Master planning, creating & scaling search engine friendly content. Explore technical factors impeding SEO rankings and content marketing best practice to attract clicks & inbound links.


Strategy Course – Social Media Advertising Masterclass

Get beyond just “boosting posts” and produce high converting social ad funnels. Master the platforms’ ads manager and finally see a meaningful return on social ad spend.


Strategy Course – Social Media Strategy Optimisation

Social media marketing has three major tactics:
1. Advertising 2. Community management 3. Content marketing
Learn how to maximise & integrate all, for better business outcomes.


Strategy Course – Social Media Video Masterclass

Learn the fundamentals of all successful viral campaigns and create highly shareable content.


Strategy Course – Unlocking TikTok & Snapchat Marketing

Get under the skin of Snapchat and TikTok marketing. Covering ads, strategic thinking, channel set up and maximising organic reach both platforms.


Strategy Course – YouTube Marketing: Organic & Paid Video Mastery

Free SMK Labs


Free Lab – 2024 Social Media Trends – June 2024

This 2024 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for this year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2024 Social Media Trends – May 2024

This 2024 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for this year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2024 Social Media Trends – March 2024

This 2024 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for next year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2024 Social Media Trends – December 2023

This 2024 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for next year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2024 Social Media Trends – October 2023

This 2024 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for next year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2023 Social Media Trends – August 2023

This 2023 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for this year, examining everything from content marketing to AI, new social platform booms, advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – 2023 Social Media Trends – June 2023

This 2023 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for this year, examining everything from content marketing to advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.

2023 Social Media Trends

Free Lab – 2023 Social Media Trends – March 2023

This 2023 Social Media Trends Lab explored 🧠 the key themes for this year, examining everything from content marketing to advertising performance, influencer marketing, online video, analytics and more.


Free Lab – Instagram Marketing Unlocked – Sept 2022

In this Lab will dive into the latest data 📊 and performance insights from Instagram. We explored the key 2022 trends impacting Instagram organic reach, ads, influencer marketing and more.


Free Lab – 2022 Social Media Trends – August 2022

March’s 2021 Social Media Trends Lab explored how social strategy is evolving post-COVID, and why a combination of platform updates, user quirks and even government regulations are changing the game in 2021.


Free Lab – Social Ads & Influencer Marketing Decoded Lab Playback – Oct 2021

The Social Ads & Influencer program explored how to make paid social and influencer marketing work harder in the run-up to the end of 2021, as well as key marketing trends for 2022.


Free Lab – 2021 Instagram Marketing Trends Lab Playback – Sept 2021

Explore the latest data and performance insights, unpick platform and behavioural trends, brand new marketing features and identify underexploited communications opportunities.


Free Lab – 2021 Facebook Marketing Masterclass – June 2021

The 2021 Facebook Marketing Masterclass delves into the latest data and performance insights, unpicking platform and behavioural trends, brand new marketing features and identifying underexploited communications opportunities.


Free Lab – 2021 Digital Trends – Nov 2020

November’s 2021 Digital Trends Lab explored how digital strategy is evolving in light of COVID-19, and why a combination of platform updates, user quirks and even government regulation will change the game in 2021.


Free Lab – Instagram Decoded Playback – Oct 2020

SMK’s Instagram Decoded Lab aims to move beyond the digital hype and bluster of Instagram, a channel saturated with vanity metrics and ego, and all too often light on actionable business value.