[SMK] Social Media Knowledge



Social Media Manipulates, and Teens aren’t Fussed

A recent report focusing on teens and their social media use has revealed the contrastive effects on their personal life. The kids are woke, but it doesn’t matter New data released from Common Sense Media reveals teenagers are aware of the pitfalls, yet it's more popular than ever. The survey sampled 1,141 US teens ranging

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Skype Records Calls & Scraps Stories

For version 8.29, Skype has ditched on Highlights and a few other recently introduced tools. They'll make way for a new feature, Call Recording. Bye bye Highlights Highlights was akin to Instagram’s Stories. Stopping its Stories experiment, Skype signals its re-evaluation of what it means to be social. Highlights was part of a socially-inspired redesign,

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Instagram goes back to School

Instagram is honing in on the university crowd by offering a new feature allowing students to join special communities or networks, based on school affiliation. Getting communal The new feature coming to Instagram is focusing on fostering communities amongst current students, while alumni can stick to LinkedIn and Facebook for their continued connections. The Instagram

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Facebook losing tug of war with Snapchat

In the latest chapter of the social tug-of-wars, it looks like Facebook is struggling to remain relevant against its young rival Snapchat. Facebook becomes grandpa Though Facebook undoubtedly remains popular amongst users, the lucrative 18 – 24 year old demographic are more interested in Snapchat. By the end of the year, Snapchat is poised to

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