[SMK] Social Media Knowledge



Social Stats: 44% of humans are on Social Media

The 2018 Q3 Global Digital Statshot from We Are Social and Hootsuite says that around 44% of the world's population is active on social media, with the vast majority of them (40%) being active via mobile device. Overall ups There are 11% more social media users now than there were twelve months ago. In real […]

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Snapchat adds Weather Effects to Snap Map

As Facebook continues to make announcement after announcement, (not the least of which being Instagram’s IGTV), Snapchat is staying current with more intimate and geo-local Snap info. What’s it like where you are? Fun animations based on the weather your friends are experiencing can be seen when users zoom in on someone’s Bitmoji, revealing animated raindrops,

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Snapchat launches new Docuseries

A new genre of programming is coming to Snapchat that will offer non-scripted episodes featuring social media personalities. Doc + series As other social media platforms continue to add and experiment with new content mediums, like Instagram’s IGTV and Facebook’s Watch, Snapchat is determined to carve its own original programming. Whether unscripted proves to be

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Facebookers using platform less for News

Despite Facebook’s best efforts, the issues of privacy and fake news have taken their tole as users flock less and less to the social network to get their news. What’s up? More and more users are getting their news coverage from other Facebook owned apps like WhatsApp and Instagram, while Facebook’s news street cred diminishes.

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