[SMK] Social Media Knowledge



Facebook prepares to produce “TV Shows”

Facebook continues to expand its tentacles into all things video. The latest plan: preparing to produce 30-minute "TV-like" shows. Prime time According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook is inviting pitches for "TV-like" shows across genres including lifestyle, sports, and science. The shows will reportedly be weekly with a 30-minute running time, similar to programs

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Facebook unveils foot traffic analytics for Offline Events

Facebook will now enable users to track live or in-store conversions of off-line events to better analyse penetration of Facebook ads. Post-event data adds value to your ads Having unveiled Offline Events last August, local business will be able to sync offline data via customer profile uploads containing name, product purchase, and date. Facebook will

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Facebook Reactions now more valuable than Likes

Facebook has tweaked its algorithm to favour Reactions over Likes. Are you prepared? Smiley Face All five Reactions (Love, Haha, Sad, Wow, and Angry) are weighted equally, and will result in your post getting more News Feed traction. Getting multiple Reactions will give an even bigger visibility boost. “Over the past year we’ve found that if people

Facebook Reactions now more valuable than Likes Read More »