[SMK] Social Media Knowledge



Australia’s top LinkedIn Power Profiles

LinkedIn Australia has announced their 2017 Power Profiles in marketing and advertising sectors. LinkedIn’s MVPs The list is comprised of the most viewed profiles of 2016, consisting of CEOs, government, company founders, HR, marketing, and fashion. The list in alphabetical order: Cavan Brady, Brand & Marketing Strategy, Brand & Marketing Communication at The Goodyear Tire […]

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LinkedIn loses court ruling to keep your profile private

A US judge has ruled at a company is legally allowed to scrape LinkedIn profiles for user data, despite protests from LinkedIn. Cough it up Information Technology and Services company hiQ is legally allowed to scrape data from public profiles on LinkedIn and report to employers if they believe you are looking for work elsewhere.

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Social strategies to reach Gen Xers and baby boomers

The Pew Research Center has released a bunch of helpful social strategies to reach older generations via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Reaching the aging crowd With Snapchat and Instagram cornering the market on millennials, Facebook is the weapon of choice when reaching older demographics. According to Pew, 36% of users 65 and up and

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LinkedIn launches Company Pages Playbook

With over 13 million Company Pages available, LinkedIn has launched a smart guide to help businesses maximise their own Company Page. The yellow pages of now LinkedIn’s Company Pages are designed to help businesses build brand awareness, showcase proprietary practices and methodologies, and publish content. These Pages are also highly ranked within search results, lending

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Facebook wants to give your website a facelift

Facebook is adding meta-data to all links appearing in the News Feed, and websites will have to make sure their pages are inline with the new criteria. Flipping through the pages In its ongoing quest to curtain clickbait, Facebook will be displaying page information in the form of meta-title, meat-description, and a list of the

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