[SMK] Social Media Knowledge


September 2017

Facebook launches updates for Video Re-Shares

Facebook now lets brands track metrics around video re-shares, including which Pages are re-sharing their content. Replays for larger audiences Following demands for more information on which Pages are re-sharing Facebook is providing just that, while also limiting what metrics the re-sharers have access to regarding the original content. Content creators can see who’s re-sharing …

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Facebook to release first Video Chat Device

For the first time ever, Facebook is building a video chat device for home use, the first significant hardware product to be released from their Building 8 lab. Zuckerberg’s plan to bring users closer together The new device is rumoured to be a large screen/smart camera combo specifically designed for distance communication. The product already …

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Traditional marketing on the decline, digital on the rise

Investment in traditional media is becoming less popular as internet based marketing trends towards being the dominant strategy for ad revenue. Internet killed the television star According to the UK based Advertising Association and Warc, the 2017 first quarter has seen digital ads accounting for 50% of total UK media spending. Driven primarily by mobile …

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Discord video chat takes the game from Skype

Messenger app Discord—hitherto known for providing text and voice comms for gamers—has launched screen-share and video chat services. Compete Discord isn’t shy about their intentions. The tagline at the top of their app homepage proudly declares ‘It’s time to ditch Skype and TeamSpeak’. It claims to be better and easier than Skype, and unlike TeamSpeak …

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Lonely Planet App: Trips for sharing

World-renowned travel publishers Lonely Planet are launching their second app—Trips. Internationally, it’s already getting buzz as Instagram for travel enthusiasts. Insta-similarity Much of Trips will be immediately familiar to Instagram users. As noted by TechCrunch, Trips lets users heart and share photos and videos. After they’ve set up their own profile, users can also follow …

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Facebook wants to give your website a facelift

Facebook is adding meta-data to all links appearing in the News Feed, and websites will have to make sure their pages are inline with the new criteria. Flipping through the pages In its ongoing quest to curtain clickbait, Facebook will be displaying page information in the form of meta-title, meat-description, and a list of the …

Facebook wants to give your website a facelift Read More »