[SMK] Social Media Knowledge



LinkedIn goes Real-Time, for Real

Amongst LinkedIn’s handy daily tips, the platform is sharing its best practices when it comes to connecting with Active Status users. Strike when the iron is…green! “Knowing the right time to reach out is key,” according to LinkedIn Communications Specialist Julie Inouye, “so make sure your connections are available and active on LinkedIn when sending a note.”

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LinkedIn gets Noisey with Recorded Messages

LinkedIn has unveiled a new voice messaging system meant to encourage members to add a bit of personality to their professional profile. Hello with gusto Driving engagement once more is another innovation from the professional networking site that allows users to create minute-long voice recordings. Android and iOS users alike can start playing back their

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Social Stats: 44% of humans are on Social Media

The 2018 Q3 Global Digital Statshot from We Are Social and Hootsuite says that around 44% of the world's population is active on social media, with the vast majority of them (40%) being active via mobile device. Overall ups There are 11% more social media users now than there were twelve months ago. In real

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